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100% Natural Wintergreen, Cinnamon Cassia Lip Balm

100% Natural Wintergreen, Cinnamon Cassia Lip Balm


Our fragrant 100% natural lip balm is crafted to calm the senses, relax the mind, and elevate the spirit. This wintery lip balm contains four ingredients; wintergreen essential oil, cinnamon cassia essential oil, coconut oil, and beeswax. Our container is 100% decompostable/recycleable. 


Methyl Salicylate, an active chemical constituent in wintergreen, holds rejuvinating attributes as an analgesic (pain relieving), ameliorates inflammation, is known to soothe sore throats, and meliorate headaches. Sprightingly is an antibacterial, and is utilized in treating gingivitis aswell. 


Our warming oil Cinnamon Cassia is known to stimulate blood circulation, especially when applied topically to skin. When applied to the lips Cinnamon Cassia may lend our lips a naturally induced richer color appearing more plump. Adversely can consolodate nausea. 


 Coconut oil retains abounding moisturizing qualities which lends ebullient nourishment when applied to cracked lips, skin, hair, nails, etc. Antimicrobial and analgesic (pain relieving) qualities.


Beeswax is an emulsifyer nurturing hydrated lips while protecting against UV rays. Also utilized in mending burns, antibacterial, and holds a gentle sweet taste. 


  • Return Policy.

    No returns.

  • Storage.

    Keep in a cool place to retain intact product.

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